Last day 25th March (mi birthday) we started our last travel en the school :(
We spent there, in Italy, five days and we trave by bus to Barcelona. At night, we geton the ship.
. Te first day we visited Roma, it's a veeery big city, and there're lost of monuments: The coliseum, la fontana di trevi (very nice and romantic)... That night, this day, we went to sleep and loading in Venezia.
. The second day we were in Venezia (I love it, it's the best city of Italy), it's different, really. We got on a tipic boat (Gondola), it cost 10€ us, bot it was worth it. And we saw lots of shops.
. Te following days we spent two days in Florencia, and evernigths we went to a few discoteques and we enjoyed together (L).
. The last day we were in Pisa, seeing the tower and spending the day there. In the evening we went away to the port where we took a ship to return to Valencia.
The cities that we visited are very popular of in Italy.

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