I finished the book A tres metros sobre el cielo, of the italian Federico Moccia. It's a book that Leonor left me, because she had liked it very much, and said to me that me should read it. From the first moment in which I started reading I liked much and I could not stop reading it. It is a love history for two totally different protagonists, Babi, a perfect student, and Step, a violent boy and with problems. This history happens in Rome, in the citie of love. It is a book easy to read, since, the writer, does the short chapters.
Babi and Step begin his love histoty badly, but they end is a incredible love history, i love it.
A tre metri sopra il cielo it's the Federico Moccia's first work. Published by the first time in 1992 in a minimal edition paid for the proper author and that became exhausted immediately, it was photocopied again and again, until it was re-edited in 2004 and turned into a best-seller. More than one million copies have been sold in Italy.
The second part of this book calls, Ho Voglia di te (Tengo ganas de ti), and then, another book to part is Scusa si te chiamo amore (Perdona si te llamo amor).
Federico Moccia
images google.

I finished the book A tres metros sobre el cielo, of the italian Federico Moccia. It's a book that Leonor left me, because she had liked it very much, and said to me that me should read it. From the first moment in which I started reading I liked much and I could not stop reading it. It is a love history for two totally different protagonists, Babi, a perfect student, and Step, a violent boy and with problems. This history happens in Rome, in the citie of love. It is a book easy to read, since, the writer, does the short chapters.
Babi and Step begin his love histoty badly, but they end is a incredible love history, i love it.

The second part of this book calls, Ho Voglia di te (Tengo ganas de ti), and then, another book to part is Scusa si te chiamo amore (Perdona si te llamo amor).
Federico Moccia
images google.