Birmania is a country of Asian southeast. Parliamentary are not elections celebrated from 1990. The country newspaper is governed by a military regime from 1962. After seventeen years, in 2007 the Military has met affected by massive protests directed by monks Buddhists. 14 conditions that compose Myanmar's Union, former Burma, could not have escaped of the military dictatorship that has governed his destinations from 1962, in spite of the fact that in 1990 the National League for the Democracy achieved the majority support in a few legislative elections which results remained in the simple anecdote.
The last time that the Burmen declared was in 1988 and the army massacreed to thousands of them. If the world raises the voice in a support shout and solidarity with the Burmen, this time could be different. The military doubt in attacking monks, and in addition Chinese, the member of the Security Council that has been against to take measures in the UN, now wants to protect its image before the Olympic games. We will make arrive our message at the demonstrators, the UN and the world-wide press.
