Friday, December 08, 2006

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The American president, George W. Bush, arrived the night from Monday at the airport Ulemiste de Tallin for his visit at Estonia. Bush is the first president in functions that the Baltic Sea visits this country. The brief stay in Estonia is considered as a sample of the gratefulness of the United States by the firm support of this country in the fight against the terrorism. President Bush on Saturday said, "My message really was that these are big goals that Democrats care about and Republicans care about, and we've got to work hard to find ways to achieve big goals. ... I felt like people understood that I've got pressures on me, like I understand they have pressures on them. And I really hope that the members out there get a sense that I bear no ill will, I bring no animosity about the fact that we may not agree on every position, and that I am appreciative of the contributions they make."


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

e-twinning is an tegnology European project where the students talk to meet other students of other country (talking by mail). Our class and I are doing it with stonia, and we make video conferences it is very exiting and fun. I think that is a very good idea because we practice english and we cann learn other cultures so i think is nice.

After the great success of the first prizes eTwinning 2006, the professors have a new opportunity to display their proposals for prizes 2007. The date presentation limit is the 15 of December of 2006.
The action eTwinning was created to give to the scholastic centers the opportunity to learn of others, to share points of view and to make friends. The conscience of the European model of multilingual and multicultural society is promoted therefore.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Myspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter GraphicsMyspace Glitter Graphics, MySpace Graphics, Glitter Graphics

In English 2º E.S.O group we are making a project with estonieses, took from 1º of the E.S.O and we spoke us by messenger, we sent letters to them, we make videoconferencias, etc..

Estonia is located in the northeastern coast of the Baltic Sea, Estonia limits with the Gulf of Finland by the north, with the Russian Federation by the east and with Latvia by the south the capital of estonia is Tallinn 397,000 inhabitants, the national celebration is the 24 of February the one of Independence.our correspondents live in the village "paide" located in estonia, and go to the school "Väätsa basic school", your village is its small, cosy. people know each other., Most children are friends. in the village that lives there are 1500 people.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


It is very little to celebrate halloween, means nohe of the deceaseds and the vispera to the day of all the saints, is celebrated day 31 of October, people disguise and call to the houses and usually say themselves. "trick or treat"? and if it says treat gives many treats, chocolates or money you so that you you buy them your because they do not have, and if they say trick you must make any trick and that comes out you well so that they give some candies you, i if they do not give candies beams you some badness by the nights is amused, because it give more fear when doing the joke. in aim. He is very funny! to my I like muuho and at night you have a little fear in case some ghost leaves to you...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The concert of El canto del loco:

The day 24 of August to 23h, in the celebrations of Paterna was a concert "El canto del loco", it was with people of the school. At the end of the concert they removed to a boy who looked like "Tito" of "Verano azul", one serie of TV of years ago... removed to the scene and Dani, the singer of the group "El canto del loco" offered its slippers to him so that it remained them and the boy them it wanted ... and the boy did not say that not them it wanted because they venian to him in the end great... and Dani gave the slippers him to the father so that the boy did not want them. The concert enchanted to me, was very well.

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Pope visits valencia:

Pope Benedico XVI was of V World-wide Encounter of the Family in 2006 in Valencia, city chosen by its predecessor, Juan Pablo II, who was celebrated in the second first week of Julio. The married alliance "between the man and the woman for all the life is the foundation of the family of common origin of the humanity", says the Pope in its letter, in which it adds that "therefore, he Church nondoubt in announcing that, in agreement with the plans of God, the marriage and the family are irreplaceable and other alternatives do not exist".

FiRe In GaLiCia...!

The fires in Galicia that are been burning from the last week, have taken place mainly the environs ed the harbor city of Vigo and the medieval city of Santiago de Compostela in the region of Galicia, carbonized more than 70,000 forest hectares of forests and cultures. Galicia experiences numerous forest fires every year and iene one of the most efficient systems of Spain to fight them. It has been arrested to five suspects to have promouthful fires in Galicia. The high temperatures and the conditions of external dryness also have patre of the fault.

accident in the meter of Valencia:

The day 3-7-06 in the line a jorney,street "Jesus". The convoy of the meter of Valencia that suffered an accident in that 43 people died traveled to 80 kilometers per hour, the double of the speed allowed in the section in which the wreck took place. This excess could be caused by a fading of the conductor. In addition, a union has denounced that this one conductor was not machinist but agent of station and that the curve badly was signalized.
The excess of speed the breakage of a wheel discarded. In addition, it has assured that no security system could have avoided the tragedy.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

...* My summer *...
This summer I have gone: to Calpe, Orrios and to Los Corrales.
.Calpe: I have gone with Andrea to Calpe, and there us we have passed it very well, we have gone to the beach and we have raised the "Peñon De Ifach", and have seen the "Baños De La Reina" that made an impression to me and I liked much made enough heat.!
.Orrios: it is a small town of Teruel, there I have bathed in the Alfambra river and a day that we went away to very visit another town surrounding of there, which the Barracin is called also fell the hail to us jaJa.. we remained some fossils of mountains ( in snail form) jaJa..
.Los Corrales: Los Corrales are in Utiel, is a very small town. I went has to visit my cousins, because that is its town. When I was they were in the celebrations and there I spent days.
I LikE MoRE My SuMmEr!!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

How is Santiago Ramon y Cajal?
In 1887 Ramon and Cajal it was fascinated by the completion histológicas techniques of coloration by Golgi and undertook a series of investigations on the nervous system that lead to him to establish that the neurons are independent cells that communicate to each other by contact against the established theory of the reticularismo. The oppositions refused to him while it began to live with the microscope. Finally it obtained a pay in Zaragoza and one married with Doña Silveria Fañanás, that took with humility and patience the desbocada ambition of knowing of its husband. To his first daughter called Faith.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Human Rights:
Universal declaration of Human rights like common ideal by which all the towns and nations must make an effort, in order that as much the individuals being inspired constantly by her, by means of education and the education, the respect to these rights and liberties, and assure, by progressive measures of character their universal recognition and application, as much between the towns of the States Members like between those of the territories.
Tarragona: On first of eso we went traveling to Tarragona. First day- We went to Tarragona on bus then we took a boat and we went to "la desembocadura del ebro" after we eat a sandwich and we went to "la ciutat del repos i descans". There we put our things on our room. our room where was composted of 7 girls Sofi, Andrea, Susana, Maria, Marina , Vio and me. Then we have a party where we dance all nigth. Second day- We went to a cave after we visit a village. Third day- We went to Port Aventura, . Fourth day- Again, we went to Port Aventura. Fifth day- We went to "Tarraco" and we return on train "the Euromed" .

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My summer:

in summer can i go to Calpe, every year I go. and this sera time my 5ª time who I always raise the Rock of Ifach… me the step very well and I go to the hotel emerald. I always bathe in the beach and the swimming pools that low of the hotel are. Game with my brother and soon I return to my house to the Canyada. and perhaps also I go away days to my town to Sot de Xera. that there my relatives on the part of my father estan almost all… me will pass it brilliant!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

The 26 of April of 1986 the reactor nº 4 of the nuclear power station of Chernóbil, in the Ukraine, suffered a serious accident.
The expelled radioactive elements to atmosphere created contaminated air masses: the radioactive cloud was dragged by the wind, not only affected the zone next to the power station but that traveled thousand of km contaminating great areas of Bielorrusia, the Ukraine, Russia, ample zones of Asia more than 400,000 people were forced to leave their homes.